ddr. is non-commercial, independent and completely member funded. Your monthly subscription fee helps keep ddr. on air and going forwards. Members can participate in the running of ddr. and help steer the station future direction. (There's also sometimes some free or discounted tickets to ddr. events!). We use Patreon to handle memberships, you can sign up here
About ddr.
Dublin Digital Radio (ddr.) is an award-winning, online community radio station representing a wealth of alternative music, art and politics across Ireland, since 2016. ddr. is wholly funded by its members (via Patreon subscriptions), composed of listeners and broadcasters alike, ensuring that it remains independent of corporate influence and is run democratically by its growing community.
ddr. aims to provide a radical alternative to established media, a station supported by and for its community. ddr's programming reflects this aim, having run radio events in support of International Women's Day & Pride (Queering the Airwaves); while hosting participatory youth programs in: Dabbledoo, Young ddr & Atomic.
ddr. is an avid supporter of experimental and left-of-field music & creatives, supporting local scenes directly through our events and programming.
ddr. wishes to empower its members to use radio as a tool for collective collaboration & cooperation, horizontal skill share and support. The station holds Open Studio events as an introduction to radio making, contributing to this collaborative culture.
ddr. is based in Dublin city centre but is open to all; however, the station nurtures connections with collectives across the island and internationally to further its aims and values. Read the ddr. Guiding Principles below.
ddr. Guiding Principles
- ddr. seeks to provide a platform and advocate for music, artists and conversations that are not given voice in the established media.
- ddr. champions Irish-based artists, DJs and music makers. We want to expose you to the quality of those working on this island and the sound of Ireland’s underground.
- ddr. is an alternative radio space for music lovers. We favour the live and interactive.
- ddr. believes in an open and free internet & rejects the logic of surveillance capitalism.
- ddr. is member owned and controlled, not run for profit. We are independent and work outside of commercial, institutional and political influences; this allows us to be uncompromising in the ideas and music we put on air.
- ddr. seeks to operate transparently, encouraging the community to understand the practices and structures of the station, and discouraging hierarchical power structures.
- ddr. is based in Dublin but not limited by geography. We want to participate in and foster connections with organisations and platforms both in Ireland and internationally.
- ddr. wants to build an open, inclusive and diverse community where differing points of view and opinions are respected. We do not tolerate sexism, homophobia, transphobia, racism, classism or other forms of discrimination.
Get in touch
- General Enquiries:
- Pitch a radio show: ddr. Show Application Form
- Events:
- Volunteering: ddr. Volunteer Form
4 Chatham Row
ddr. is part of Reset! - a European network of independent cultural and media organisations.